Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Simply Broken: 15 Years of Youth Ministry

Next year will be a milestone for me. It will mark 15 years in ministry. It's hard to believe that that much time has past since I began this journey. My calling is as vivid in my mind as it was then. So much excitement came when I realized God had chosen me for full time service but there was also an equal amount of anxiousness. I remember those that told me it was just a phase, that I wouldn't last and how much that pushed me to prove them wrong. But more than anything I remember the lives that God has placed in my life. Many people ask me if I ever plan to do more than be a youth pastor. I usually laugh at that but the reality is no, I don't. What greater thing than to pour into the youth of the church?! What a responsibility?!

I think most people don't have a clear view of what youth ministry really is. I know I didn't. I think we tend to view it through rose colored  glasses. That the youth pastor is playing with the kids again. It's so much more than that. It's ministry. It's difficult. It's dirty. It's not all fun and games. There are sides to it that I never even knew existed and for whatever reason I feel compelled to share. I think it's the part of me that wants the whole church to see that it's just not the youth pastor and the youth leaders jobs to pour into kids and teens but it's the churches job. That it's more than fun and games. Sometimes, a lot of times, its about heartbreak. It's about sorrow. There is doubt, lot's of it. It's about complete desperation. And the only one you can rely on is God.

I remember getting into ministry and thinking, "This is going to be fun 24 hours a day!" "I'm never going to get tired of this!" Boy, was I naive! Now, take that for how it's meant. I love being a pastor! I love being a youth pastor and I wouldn't train it for anything in this world, but one thing most people don't realize is that as much fun and excitement you have, you have more heartbreak, tears and pleading with God for the kids you shepherd.

I think the heartbreak struck me more than anything. I never thought that kids, teenagers could break my heart. I always viewed that as a romantic thing. You date or marry someone and get your heart broken. But the more I have reflected on that as I have gotten older is that heartbreak happens when you have allowed yourself to become emotionally and spiritually invested in someone. And I allowed myself to become emotionally and spiritually invested with every single student. I still do and I will continue to do so.

You may be asking for some examples of what I'm even talking about. Just to make it easy, the side of youth ministry people don't always see is the side of getting calls in the early morning from teens wanting to kill themselves, from teens who are cutting themselves, who hate life, having to counsel them after they do something they are very ashamed of. It's hard when you have Christian parents sending the opposite signals. But the worst for me is when I had to take a stand on something that they didn't like and in response I would get cut out of their life.

I have spent many days and nights pleading with God on behalf of different youth. I have spent many days and nights in tears, frustrated and not knowing what to do. I have spent days and nights with that terrible pain that comes from heartbreak. Still do.....

I think fifteen years into this it's even harder because you see so many of those youth still struggling, still trying to find their way. Many are no longer following the path you did your best to show them and guide them on. It's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking because you love and care for them so much. Even if you haven't spoken to them in years. Even for the ones that have cut you loose.  And you miss them.

I know for me, there isn't a day that goes by I don't think about a former youth. And the answer to the question, "do you remember them all?" You bet I do.

Youth work is fun. There are lots of laughs. But it's way more than that. It's a battle. It's a fight against the things of this world. It's heartbreaking.....

BUT, the one thing I have learned in 15 years is that God has this. Not Josh. I'm just the vessel. God's heartbreak over his children way surpasses mine. He has not forgotten them. He has not forgotten any of us. My job is to keep pushing on and proclaiming Christ to anyone and everyone. To teach them to do the same.

Got reminds me time and time again that in the same way He doesn't forsake us, I cannot and will not forsake others. So, whether they love me or hate me I still pray daily for all of "my" youth. I celebrate many of their successes. I still plead with God for some of them. But I also praise God for all of them! My life would not be what it is today with every one of them. I love them all dearly. I look back and think what it would have been like without this journey. Maybe it would have been less filled with heartache, maybe not as dramatic but one thing it would not have been is as full. I would have missed out on so many moments to love and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

So after fifteen years, I'm broken and I think  that is exactly where God wants me! In this state I desperately need Him because I can't do this without Him. For a time I struggled with failure and acceptance. I hurt because I thought I failed so many youth. That I could have done more. And I still feel that at times, but God continues to show me that that's not the point. It's about Him and my faithfulness to Him and His cause. If I'm faithful to Him, that's all that is important. So, I'm broken and that's ok with me.

I can not wait to see what God continues to do. Here's to the next 15!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Life is Christ

Wow, my heart has been overwhelmed lately with conviction. Conviction for myself and others. Things have just been knocking on my heart lately at just how complacent and mediocre we as the Church have become. If you are offended by that I'm sorry you feel that way, but regardless of us getting offended we, as the Church, are not living up to our potential as believers in Christ. And we seem okay with it. Well, I'm taking a stand and saying right here, right now that I'm not okay with it.

I'm not okay with us pouring our time and energy into things that don't serve a purpose. I remember when I accepted Jesus as my Savior and committed my life to serving Him all I wanted to do was share Him with others because I cared. I truly wanted others to know Him regardless of the costs to my reputation. It was exciting to me to share God's love and that was all that mattered. Somewhere along the way I lost that zeal and in it's place stepped in the church. When I use church here, I'm talking about the little church, not the big Church(God's people). I'm talking about the building, the politics, the programming. I traded my excitement for God, for meaningless things that we try to justify and make excuses for as important.

If I have learned anything it is that we do not need "stuff" to proclaim God. We don't need to curriculum that has been Saddleback tested with a stamp of approval(btw, that is not a dig at Saddleback because I believe the do good things), flashy lights, nicely painted walls, beautiful sanctuaries, and pews with pads to proclaim God. Guess what, God is already time tested. Our curriculum was tested thousands of years ago.

And at this point I would guess you have done the same. I think we have developed a culture within our churches that at some point sucks something out of believers and pushes them to just play church and not live Church. When I look at Scripture and I see Paul and what he accomplished without all the stuff, it convicts me. For goodness sake, Paul sat in a prison and was excited about it because it still gave him the opportunity to share Jesus. What have we become Church? What have I become?

A verse that has been literally knocking down the walls of my heart today is this:

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." - Philippians 1:21

This verse was an eye opener. I have read it literally hundreds of times, but it hadn't impacted me because I was still playing church, instead of living Church.

I had to get real honest with myself and ask the question, "Do I feel to live is Christ and die is gain?" or am I poser? Someone who preaches and teaches that but doesn't actually live that. And I'm not big enough to say that I feel I fell more into the poser category than the life is Christ category.

I feel for me that church drags us down and we become jaded to Jesus. I'm not saying we don't believe and we don't love Him. That is absolutely not what I'm saying. I am saying that because we are so busy doing menial things and tasks we forget and forgo the true joys of living for Jesus.

Think about it! Paul is in prison and all He can think about is how his life still has to be a representation of Christ. That his life is Christ. For crying out loud, we can barely do that on Sundays. I challenge you to read Philippians 1:12-30 to get an even better picture of what I'm talking about.
We have to change something Church. Something has to give. I feel we have to stop making excuses for our actions and behaviors. I hear things like, "Well, having a contemporary looking sanctuary shouldn't be the reason people come to church, but we need one because we have to keep up with the times." WHAT?!! How ridiculous! God is not a matter of the times. He does not go in and out of style. I will say that putting lights up and painting the walls and so on is not a sin but what we have made it is. God is where our focus has to be. I'll be the first to admit, I have said things similar to that statement. I have let trivial things become more important than the message of God. This is not living for Christ. Do you think Jesus walked around and went into places of worship and said, "Oh, this light is just not going to do?" NO, because Jesus cared about two things, JUST TWO! Loving the Father and loving people. That's it!

And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” - Luke 10:27

Read it and weep folks! It's just that simple. When we have a genuine love for the Father and love for people we are letting Christ live through us. Trust me, people will take notice. What would you rather have, someone come up to you who has this programmed, rehearsed speal talking about this guy named Jesus or someone who you can tell is genuinely sold out for what they are saying and you can tell cares deeply about you. That's a no brainer.

Church, we have to stop with the world's way of doing things. We have to stop trying to be "relevant". Like, "the message never changes, but we have to change the way we give it". NONSENSE!!! When did showing love and care for someone change? Oh, thats right! IT DIDN'T!!! If we are to be reflections of Christ than how can we say that we are not relevant. Did I miss something and all of sudden Jesus became irrelevant? Likely not.

 Now, there will be people who read this that will continue to argue against what I'm saying. That's fine. Continue to be blinded by the world mainly because you want to hold on to something that is not nearly as important as Life is Christ. But if you are open to what I have been saying, I challenge you to remove mediocrity and little church from your life. I challenge you to reflect long and heartfeltly on these verses and pray for God to remove the barriers that have been created from years of doing church and not living Church. I pray that God's Spirit moves in your life that you forsake all the meaningless things in your life and realize that their is only one important thing and that is Jesus. And with that realization that you do not let a church culture to influence how you carry out His message, but you allow Him to dictate that through His Word and His Spirit guiding you. This is my prayer for all of us. Life is Christ and to Die is Gain because we will be with Him.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Stop With All the Biblical Movies

Not to overshadow my post from yesterday because I believe it to be way more important than this one. With that said, I'm sure to get some opposing views from this post, but I'm over the need to have Biblical stories made into full-length motion pictures. I honestly do not feel it helps Christians to spread Christ and I actually feel it does more harm than good. Let me explain.

The reason I even got on this today is because I read an article that Paramount, who is releasing the movie Noah next month, decided to put a disclaimer at the start of the film. This was after some dialogue with the National Religious Broadcasters. The statement was:

"The film is inspired by the story of Noah.
While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values, and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide.
The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis."

Now, I'm giving mad props to Paramount for this because I feel it is a classy move on there part albeit not to upset Christian groups. They could have not and still made millions of dollars, but they chose to be sensitive to something very important which is Biblical accuracy. Now, with an array of Christian based movies coming out, such as Son of God and Gods Not Dead(which is not a biblical retelling but a modern day challenge type movie) we need to understand a fine line we are walking. That is why I feel these movies do more harm than good. They are not true representations of the Word of God and sadly most people watch them thinking they are or they pull their knowledge of said event from that movie.

I'm not saying that watching them is bad. I for one own several of these movies, but only allowing them to speak to you instead of personally digging into the Scriptures is wrong. I'll say this once, MOVIES ARE NOT SCRIPTURE. ONLY SCRIPTURE IS SCRIPTURE.

People can disagree with me all they want, but I have encountered too many that have gained there Biblical knowledge from movies, TV programs or poorly crafted teaching materials. Don't even get me going on the last one but I digress. These mediums are not a substitute for God's Word, Period.

I will say this. It is not a sin to see them. It's not a sin to own them. They can speak to you, but when they trump what they are trying to accentuate, that's a problem. Whether you want to admit it, I think to a degree they are making us lazy when it comes to Bible reading. It's much easier to pop a movie in than to sit down and read God's Word. There are cliff notes for many things in this world, but cliff notes for the Bible is the Bible!

I'll end with this. Feel free to watch them for the entertainment they are. That's what movies are supposed to be and I know a little about movies. But when it comes to knowing God and knowing His Word, that only comes from the Bible and prayer. End of Story!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Letter to my Daughters Future Boyfriends

As a Dad, it is my God given duty to watch over my daughter. I have been blessed to teach, guide and equip her for life. This is a job I take very seriously. I have been trying my best since the day she was born. As she has become a teenager, she is now becoming more independent. Which is alright, but it is still my duty to continue protecting and teaching her with all my heart. So, I'm asking you to help me.

Help me with what you might ask. Let me explain. I'm sure she spends a great amount of time with you and talks with you often. You might even be going on dates. Understand that my daughter deserves to be respected. She has been brought up to understand that. Let me fill you in on what I feel that respect looks like.

Respect for my daughter means you respect her mother and I and our faith. This means you help us enforce rules and boundaries. My daughter is not perfect nor are you, but I ask that in those moments where breaking the rules might seem like the best option, you become the voice of reason. Uphold her beliefs and make her accountable to what she has been taught.

You may not believe what we believe. At this point it's ok. I hope though that you respect our faith and that it is an example to you of what is important. I pray that I and my family can show you the love of Christ so that you will follow after Him one day. As a side note, if you ever plan to marry my daughter, knowing Jesus is a prerequisite. I want you to know that up front.

Also, understand that being with my daughter is a privilege. I'm not the kinda dad that will say my daughter can't date but understand I have the ability to allow and revoke that privilege. Don't put me in a situation that I have to take it away because of poor judgement on your part or disrespect of my daughter. Within this, understand that I expect you to show the proper affections for her by coming to the door to pick her up, opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc.

Be prepared to be questioned by me. I want to know all about you and I want to see what my daughter is interested in in you. Trust me, her and I have already spoken about you. Also, we will talk about boundaries when it comes to interacting with her. I'm not naive to the fact that you are young and a teenager. I was once one myself and that is exactly why boundaries are needed.

While we are talking about boundaries let me say that my daughters sexual purity is extremely important. One day she will get married to the person God sees fit, that might be you, who knows. On that day I want her to be able to give the greatest gift to her husband she can give. Not just her virginity but her complete purity. You need to respect her enough that you protect that on her behalf as I pray that she will be protecting it herself.

Since you have decided to enter into a relationship with my daughter that means you have entered into a relationship with our whole family. When you come to my home you will be treated like part of our family. We expect both of you to be around the family, not off and alone. This also means we will hold you accountable to your actions. Not because we are wanting to enact power, but because we care about you. 

I also want to know your parents. I want to be able to talk with them in friendship and when something needs to be addressed concerning you and my daughter. I will let them know what boundaries I have set and that I expect them to be respected at your home.

My daughter is my world. God blessed me with her and I will do everything that I can to protect her. I love her with all my heart. One day you will understand what it means to be dad. When that happens I pray that my example to you is evident in how you teach and guide your children, especially your daughter. I hope you have read this with love and understanding from a Dad who loves his daughter with all his heart and hopes that you will have integrity enough to help him keep his little girl on the right path.

In Him,

A loving Father

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Best 80's Movies!!!!

I was feeling a bit nostalgic today. I love movies, as most of you know, and I have seen a lot of them. I have never been shy about the fact that I believe that the 80's produced the best films in terms of entertainment and lasting value. They may have not always been award winning caliber, but they have stood the test of time. So, here is my list of 80's movies that are must sees(at least once). They are in no particular order I broke them into genres to make viewing easier. Most of them could be argued into other genres as most 80's films were comedies pretending to be actions or drams. The asterisks denotes my personal favorites, though I do love them all. So, if you haven't seen one, do it! Enjoy!

Action Adventure
Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom(1984)*
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade(1989)
Top Gun(1986)
Die Hard(1988)
Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2(1984, 1987)
Escape from New York(1981)*
Lethal Weapon 1 and 2 (1987, 1989)*
Red Dawn(1984)
Young Guns(1988)
Uncommon Valor(1983)*

Back to the Future 1 and 2(1985, 1989)*
Star Wars Empire Strikes Back(1980)
Star Wars Return of the Jedi(1983)*
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn(1982
Star Trek III: The Search for Spoke(1984)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home(1986)*
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial(1982)
The Princess Bride(1987)
The Beastmaster(1982)*
Big Trouble in Little China(1986)*
Howard the Duck(1986)*
Masters of the Universe(1987)*
Return to Oz(1985)
The Running Man(1987)
Flight of the Navigator(1986)
The Last Starfighter(1984)*
Enemy Mine(1985)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome(1985)
The Terminator(1984)

Santa Claus: The Movie(1985)*
The Chipmunk Adventure(1987)
The Land Before Time(1988)
The Muppets Take Manhattan(1984)*
An American Tail(1986)*
The Neverending Story(1984)
The Secret of NIMH(1982)*
The Little Mermaid(1989)
The Fox and the Hound(1981)
Benji the Hunted(1987)

The Karate Kid 1 and 2(1984, 1986)
The Boy Who Could Fly(1986)
Dead Poets Society(1989)*
Driving Miss Daisy(1989)
Eight Men Out(1988)
Full Metal Jacket(1987)
Mississippi Burning(1988)
The Outsiders(1983)
Project X(1987)*
Rain Man(1988)
Gleaming the Cube(1989)
La Bamba(1987)
Lean on Me(1989) *
Cocoon: The Return(1988)
Steel Magnolias(1989)*
Stand by Me(1986)
Field of Dreams(1989)
Dirty Dancing(1987)
The Breakfast Club(1985)
Pretty in Pink(1986)

Critters(1986) *
The Shining(1980)
Twilight Zone: The Movie(1983)
The Monster Squad(1987)*
My Best Friend is a Vampire(1988)
Night of the Comet(1984)
Night of the Creeps(1986)
A Nightmare on Elm Street(1984)*
Nightmare on Elm Street 2(1985)*
Killer Klowns from Outer Space(1988)*
Friday the 13th(1980)
Fright Night(1985)
The Gate(1987)
Halloween II(1981)
House II(1987)*
The Thing(1982)
They live(1988)
Pet Sematary(1989)
Maximum Overdrive(1986)
Lady in White(1988)
Cat's Eye(1985)
Children of the Corn(1984)
Child's Play(1988)
The Abyss(1989)
The Lost Boys(1987)*
Poltergeist II(1986)

Uncle Buck(1989)*
Big Top Pee Wee(1988)
Pee-Wee's Big Adventure(1985) *
The Toy(1982)
Back to School(1986)
Haunted Honeymoon(1986)
License to Drive(1988)
Little Monsters(1989)*
Mr. Mom(1983)
Teen Wolf(1985)
Trading Places(1983)
Brewster's Millions(1985)
Coming to America(1988)
Turner and Hooch(1989) *
3 Men and a Baby(1987)
Three Amigos(1986)*
Short Circuit(1986)
The Goonies(1985)
The Money Pit(1986)
My Stepmother is an Alien(1988)
Christmas Vacation(1989)*
Nine to Five(1980)*
Major League(1989)
Little Shop of Horros(1986)
Look Who's Talking(1989)
The Wizard(1989)*
Good Morning, Vietnam(1987)
The Great Outdoors(1988)*
Plains, Train and Automobiles(1987)
Harry and the Hendersons(1987)*
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids(1989)
Crocodile Dundee(1986)
Troop Beverly Hills(1989)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off(1986) *
Ghostbuster II(1989)
*batteries not included(1987) *
Weekend at Bernie's(1989)
The Burbs(1989)*
Adventures in Babysitting(1987)
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure(1989) *
Who Framed Roger Rabbit(1988) *
Real Genius(1985)
Sixteen Candles(1984)
Weird Science(1985)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is Miley to blame?

I have been seeing so many postings regarding the VMA's. Some positive, more negative. The positive are directed at the reunion of N'Sync. I get it. N'Sync was huge and it makes people feel good to see bands they love get back together for one more show. Now the negative, which is everywhere, is directed really at one person, Miley Cyrus. Now some could make an argument for Lady GaGa as well, but it's mostly directed at Miley.

I was reading that parent groups are outraged that MTV and the VMA's would allow something like that that is so inappropriate for children. First of all, it's really inappropriate for everyone, not just kids. Secondly, I think they are completely nuts, because this is MTV and the VMA's. What did they think it was, PBS? They have been pushing buttons since they started. This isn't the first time something like this has happened and I'm sure it's not the last. Now, I'm not condoning this by any means, but parents, get a grip and know what your kids are watching. That's on you, not MTV.

Now the real tragedy in all of this is the ridicule Miley Cyrus is getting by everyone. Christians especially. Now, I haven't blasted her for what happened but I did find myself making light of it. This is really not something to ridicule or take lightly. This is a lost little girl. I think we forget that sometimes. Celebrities are people. People that need Jesus just as much as I do and deserve forgiveness just as much as I do. We tend to treat them like they don't really exist in reality. That they are just people who show up on our TV screens. I saw some horrible posts about her. That's not what she needs. That's not what her family needs.

Where has our compassion gone? Where has our care for our fellow man gone? She is someones daughter and grandaughter! She really exists. She deserves our thoughts not our ridicule. She deserves our prayers and petitions before a Holy God. I used to think that praying for celebrities was kinda weird. But why does Jenny down the street who's struggling with addiction deserve my prayers more than them.

I will end with this. Miley Cyrus deserves to be prayed for by believers. Not torn to death for her actions. That's what the world does. It's not what we are supposed to do. I can honestly say for the first time today I prayed for a celebrity because I lifted Miley up to my God who performs miracles and can change lives. You should do the same.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Top Ten Lists!

My last few posts have been a little deep and heavy so I figured I would lighten it up with some of my top tens. So, here goes.


10. Mankind/Mick Foley
9. Hulk Hogan
8. Stone Cold Steve Austin
7. The Undertaker
6. Rowdy Roddy Piper
5. Owen Hart
4. Macho Man Randy Savage
3.Brett "The Hitman" Hart
2. Andre the Giant
1. Shawn Michaels


10. The Monster Squad
9. Big Trouble In Little China
8. Miracle
7. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
5. The Patriot
4. Mr Hollands Opus
3. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
2. The Jerk
1. The Last of the Mohicans


10. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(N64)
9. Ghosts and Goblins(NES)
8. Super Mario 64
7. Goldeneye (N64)
6. Counter Strike
5. Bioshock 2
4.Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
3. Half Life 2
2. Age of Empires( 1 and 2)
1. The Legend of Zelda(NES)


10. Lynyrd Skynyrd
9. Styx
8. Queen
7. Def Leppard
6. Huey Lewis and The News
5. Mercy Me
4. Oasis
3. Weezer
2. Guns N Roses
1. Bon Jovi


10. Quantum Leap
9. One Tree Hill (guilty pleasure)
8. Heroes
7. Saved By the Bell
6. Golden Girls
5. Cheers
4. Frasier
3. The Walking Dead
2. Star Trek: The Next Generation
1. Seinfeld

These were very tough and I have so many honorable mentions I won't bother posting them. Enjoy and discuss!